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Welcome to Applied's Newsletters where you will discover ways to help keep you and your project safe as well tips that can be applied to your everyday lives. This will also be a great tool to help keep you up to date on current safety topics, industry safety standards, and changes to federal regulations. After reviewing each monthly issue, you will have a chance to enter in the monthly prize drawing as well as the annual drawing! Please be sure to submit your entry by the 25th of each month to be eligible for drawings.

January - Fatigue Management

Fatigue management is an essential component of workplace safety, focused on addressing and mitigating the associated risks to enhance worker well-being and productivity. This involves implementing policies, procedures, and strategies to prevent or reduce fatigue-related incidents in the workplace. It is a shared responsibility between management and workers, encompassing factors within and outside the work environment.

December - Winter Weather Preparedness

Most of us cannot escape the shorter, darker days, the need for additional layers, or the buildup of ice and frost on our vehicle's windshields. Fortunately, we can typically foresee and prepare for the risks associated with winter weather. Therefore, when you find yourself donning heavier clothing, you should also make it a habit to review what necessary winter preparedness measures will ensure your safety during the coldest months.

November - Spotter Safety

Many OSHA regulations call for someone on the job site to ensure that people, equipment, and the site don't come together in the wrong way. This person is generally known as a "Spotter." This person provides guidance so people don't get hurt and things don't get damaged. Read more on our November Safety Topic.

October is Fire Prevention Month

In the event of a fire, the correct use of a portable fire extinguisher could mean the difference between suffering a minor loss or a major one. Portable fire extinguishers, if used properly, can make that difference. But there are several things to consider in using fire extinguishers.

JOB safety Analysis

Job safety analysis, or JSA, is a systematic process designed to keep your employees and workplace safe. It breaks down each job into training sequences, identifies key safety risks, and teaches the employees how to avoid those hazards. It breaks a job down into individual steps and then finds the safest way for an employee to complete each step.

Situational Awareness

Situational awareness is the practice of actively monitoring your surroundings in the workplace so you can identify threats before they occur and have time to react. The type of problems you might come across in your daily like is likely to differ from the ones that could occur at work, so it's important that you remain in the appropriate mindset depending on your location and present occupation.

Heat Stress Prevention and Response

In most cases, exposure to extreme heat is an element of working in the energy industry that cannot be eliminated, substituted, or isolated. after all, you can't control the weather. and the nature of our work means that reducing the physical demands of the job or rescheduling work to cooler times of day are usually not options. That means you'll have to move down the hierarchy of controls to protect workers from the effects of heat.

Slips, Trips, and Falls

The second most common cause of workplace injury is a trip or slip hazard that leads to a fall. 20 – 30% of workplace falls result in moderate or severe injury like deep bruising, broken bones, or concussions.

Tornado Preparedness and Response

Tornadoes can occur with little or no warning. Taking precautions in advance of the storms, such as developing and emergency plan. Learning the warning signs, and monitoring tornado watches and warnings, can help you stay safe if a tornado occurs in your area. 

Trenching and Excavation

More than likely we have all been involved with an open ditch or some type of excavation with our jobs. This newsleeter contains beneficial inforamtion to help you understand the importance of trenching and excavation safety.

Insect Bites + Stings

Stinging and biting insects, scorpions and snakes can be hazardous to outdoor workers. Stinging or biting insects inclkude bees, wasps, hornets, and fire ants.

The health effects of stinging or biting insects or scorpions rane from mild discomfort or pain, to a lethal reaction for those workers allergic to the insect's venom.

Safety First

2024 has kicked off to a good start and we are excited for what this year will bring. In addition to some new gear and new features from the Applied team this year, we are changing up our Monthly Newsletter as well. Be on the look out for industry relative information and also some creative ways for you to win some awesome Applied gear.

Hose Safety

Best Practices in Hose Safety Hose safety often does not get the attention it deserves. Proper hose and fitting selection are critical to the safety of both your people...

Winter Safety Stats

Winter is upon us and tis’ the season for slick roads, wet floors, and miserably cold weather. Safety needs to be the top priority for workplaces affected by snow and sleet. Here are a few things to keep in mind when you are out and about this winter, whether it be in the workplace or on your time off.

Learn Before the Burn

Is your workplace or home fireproof? Each year, the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) celebrates National Fire Safety Month in October with Oct. 7th-13th being National Fire Prevention Week and Oct. 13th being National Home Fire Drill Day.

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Be sure to submit your near misses to win one of these Applied prizes! 


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Longview, Texas 75601

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