Thank you from Buckner Families

Dear Applied Family,

We pray that the beginning of 2018 finds you well. As the new year lies before us full of potential, we would like to take a moment to glance back at the close of 2017.

We have previously shared the details of the Applied Family 2017 Christmas Project. Over 16 thousand dollars were raised which made a significant impact in the lives of many children & families.

We did not do this Outreach for the thanks or praise. The joy that fills our hearts is more than sufficient thanks. Even so, we would like to share thank you notes received from some of the families.

If you were able to be a part of the 2017 Outreach, you are probably ready to sign right up for next Christmas. If you did not get to participate, we encourage you to keep it in mind for when it comes around again. As an individual, we may only cause a ripple, but all together, we create a tidal wave of goodwill.

God Bless,

Applied Consultants, In.